Throughout the day the attendees were surprised with little gifts that we'd be taking home at the end of the day. It was like we were at Oprah's Greatest Things show. We teachers get excited over the littlest things! ha! Below is a picture of the bag and all the goodies that were inside it. The best thing is the mini Oscar trophy. We all were given the Oscar because "there are some days when you just don't want to be at school (whether it's a bad mood, bad kid, etc.) but you put a smile on your face and make it through the day." I will be putting my Oscar on my desk as a reminder. :)
I want to give a BIG thank you to Michelle at Our Sweet Success and Ashley at First Grade Smart Cookies for awarding me the "One Lovely Blog Award"!! Thanks so much ladies!! I will be passing on the award soon. I want some time to stalk, I mean check out, some more blogs! :)

Glad you got to see them. I'm sure it was great!