Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Movement in My Classroom

With such a large class size and large amount of boys, taking a few moments for some kind of movement activity during the day is key for me. I try to incorporate movement when introducing new words to our Word Wall, reading poems together in a pocket chart, practicing spelling words, reading our Morning Message, doing phonics activities, during transitions, before or after testing, Friday Fun or just as a reward. There is such a positive response from all the kids in my class, that I know they need these little breaks just as much as I do. :)

There are a number of teachers on Teachers Pay Teachers who have created some great movement activities under various titles--Brain Breaks, Shake Breaks, Brain Gymnastics, etc. Check them out! You won't be disappointed.

Here's a video of one of my class' favorites--The Bazooka Bubblegum Song. My boys LOVED it as much as the girls! We always have fun moving along to this song. It's a great little workout too! ha!


  1. This song is hysterical! Thanks for sharing...can't wait to play it during our brain break!!

  2. Glad you liked it Nina! Hope your class does too. :)


    WILD About First Grade!

  3. This song is too cute! I can't wait to play it for my kiddos on Monday! I wanted you let you know that I nominated you for a Liebster Award - you can read all about it here!
    :) Lindsay

  4. That song is too funny! I may have to share that one with some friends, and of course, my kiddos!

    Looks like somebody else beat me to it, but I'm nominating you for a Liebster Award too! Check out my blog later to see what it is all about!

  5. Hi! I teach first grade in VA Beach, and I totally agree, movement is key! I compiled a few different lists of brain break activities that you can find on my blog. Just thought I'd share! Love the content of your blog. :-)

    1. I'll have to come check it out. Thanks for letting me know!
