Monday, July 16, 2012

Awards...Thank You!!

I've been away from my computer this past week. GASP! I know! Been trying to enjoy the last of summer vacation. Can't believe how fast it's starting to fly by!

I was awarded the Liebster Award by two blog friends -- Christa from Sweet Life of Second Grade and Emily from 2nd Grade Mon-Stars. THANK YOU ladies for recognizing me and my blog!!! If you haven't stopped by their blog yet, please check them out!

This award highlights blogs that have under 200 followers. Here are the rules for it:
1. Copy and paste this award on your blog.

2. Thank the giver and link back to them.

3. Reveal 5 other bloggers and let them know by commenting 
     on their blog.

I am happily awarding the Liebster Blog Award to:


  1. Thanks so much Marissa for the award! I completed my duties already because I was so excited!

    Thanks again!

    Lacy's Letters

  2. THANK YOU for my award! It means a lot that their are teachers out there who support fellow teachers! Thanks again!!

    Brigid's Daily Lesson Log

  3. Thank you so much for the award! Emily and I will get to work on it asap. We are your newest followers. :)

  4. Thank you so much for the award!! :)

    Look Who's Teaching
