Monday, June 18, 2012

Pinterest project

Happy Monday everyone! I spend free moments in my days (and nights) checking out Pinterest and pinning like a mad woman! One of the things I pinned was this cute bell used for positive behavior reinforcement. The idea behind the bell is this--Johnny is off task but you see Jenny working quietly, so you ring the bell and praise her for doing the right thing, which will hopefully, redirect Johnny. Each time the kids hear the bell, they know someone is going to be recognized. Click on the picture to read all about it from the Littlest Learners blog.


Here's my new bell!

I got the bell at Office Depot and the jewels at Michael's.The jewels came in a pack of 3 sticky backed strips, which fit perfectly around the edge of the bell. It's a little hard to tell but mine are purple (my favorite color). I might want to use a paint pen to write something cute on the silver part of the bell; just not sure what exactly.

I'm excited to use this in the classroom this year. It reminds me of my psych classes and Pavlov's dog. I will be doing some "training" with my students! haha!


  1. Cute! I love Pinterest! I've been working on toppers for the Pixy-Stix birthday balloons (mine aren't balloons) - posted them for a freebie on my blog if you're interested. And, of course, have many more projects in mind. Ha ha!

    Teaching Little Miracles

  2. So precious! Love the idea of ringing for rewarding good behavior. Sure beats reminding kids about their not-so-good behavior (love the Pavlov comment, I'm a fan! lol)

    All Students Can SHINE

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  4. Love the sparkles! I just bought a pair of glammed up scissors from Hobby Lobby! I'm your newest follower!

    Spotted in First Grade

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