Monday, March 5, 2012

WILD about reading!

Room 5 is WILD about reading! For the month of March, my class is having a reading contest. Kids are encouraged to read, read, read! Each child will keep track of the books he/she reads each day on the special reading log. An adult has to initial that the book has been read to/by the child. Each book read is worth 1 point. Each chapter book read is worth 2 points! When a student has filled up the reading log, it is turned in and a new one is given out. At the end of the month, I total up all the points for each student. The student who has the most points wins a $25 gift card to Barnes & Noble. The top 5 students are invited to a pizza party held in our classroom. This is a fun way to promote reading which both parents and students enjoy.

This is the note that tells the parents about the contest.

Here's the reading log that is for recording the books read.

I have a bulletin board that has all the kids' names on it and will show the amount of books read next to their names. This will show the kids' progress as the month goes on. They like to check it each day to see the changes. I usually do this in the month of February (We LOVE Reading!) which is why there's hearts in the pictures below. This year, February snuck up on me and I decided to move the contest to March for kicking off Read Across America and Dr. Seuss' birthday; so I won't be using hearts.

I'll keep you posted as the month goes on with pictures and contest updates.

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