Friday, July 15, 2011

My most recent Target finds

Living so close to Target (about 1 mile away) can be a blessing and a curse! It's not unusual for me to visit at least 3 times a week, sometimes more! All trips are completely and totally necessary...*wink* wink*. So after reading and seeing all the fabulous finds from fellow teacher bloggers, I just HAD to get to Target! Here's a few things I got:

After seeing many of the Teacher Tipster's videos with all his amazing & creative ideas, I picked these up to make my own "Fame Frames". 3 for $2.50

Mini dry erase markers and erasers!! Love the little markers for little first grade hands. 3 for $1.00!! These same pens found in the office supply section are almost $4. What a steal!

Saw these pencil! I WILL find a use for them. :)

Puzzles in the Dollar Spot too! Love the real pics used.

Lined dry erase boards...$1.00!! I have my own fancy ones but these will be great!

Another find, thanks again to the Teacher Tipster! He uses these for writing ideas. So cool! The kids will LOVE this!

Pringles? Yes, I bought them just for the container; which makes my kids so happy! Using the containers to make "Tower of Power" games as seen on

Sentence strip dry erase boards! 2 in a pack for $1.00!! yay!!

My Target didn't have any cool pocket charts or table pocket chart stands which I would love to get my hands on!! Guess I'll need to keep visiting my favorite store until I see them. :)

Kristen over at Ladybug's Teacher Files is hosting a Classroom Shopping Linky Party.
Go check it out!


  1. I purchased the mini erasers, too! They are so cute, plus they are magnetic. They'll stick right on you whiteboard! (my niece helped me figure out this little nugget of information because she HAD to have one after she saw it in my bag.)

  2. I HaD to have those mini erasers and 2 pack white board strips too. I snatched some of those bigger white boards last year. I have NoT been able to locate any more pocket charts like last summer yet either and it's costing me a small fortune to keep checking LOL. You know every trip costs me around $40 to find something else

    Now, I've got to go check out the Teacher Tipster to check out how to use some of your other items esp. those picture frames....

    Thanks for checking out my NeW blog-I'm following you now!
