Listening--"Worth It" by Fifth it!! I love songs that get me moving and this one makes me want to WERK IT! (As long as no one is watching...LOL!)
Loving--only 21 more days left until summer! That number is so small and makes me happier each time I make it through another day.
Thinking--about my summer plans! I have a busy and FUN summer planned. CAN'T WAIT! My husband and I are going to the Dominican Republic the week after school gets out. The beginning of July, my husband, son, and I will be going to New York City. The last part of July, my parents, my son, and I will be going on a weeklong baseball tour of 7 MLB stadiums (games and sightseeing included).
Wanting--to deep clean/organize my classroom. My room is in DIRE need of a cleaning! I have a huge walk-in storage closet that has been a catch-all during the year, piles everywhere when trying to walk inside. There are cupboards that have things in them that I haven't used in years! I need to start now with one cupboard/space at a time to finish by the end of the school year. When everything is in order, I feel so much happier!
Needing--to get ready for Open House. Our Open House is next Thursday night. I've started putting some things up on the walls but have piles of work that still needs to be hung. I'm not in the mood after school, and I keep saying "I'll do it tomorrow". Get on it girl!!!
Summer--Yes: Getaway for 2! My husband and I are finally going on a vacation! We haven't done anything like this since our honeymoon 15 years ago. We'll be going to the Dominican Republic, staying at an all-inclusive resort, being lazy, relaxing, and having fun! Hope: to get crafty. I want to spend some time with my Cameo. I've had it for over 2 years and have used it about 3 times. I find it so intimidating! I also want to get back into my's been way too long for that! My son was looking at his albums and was wondering where the rest of his were...ummm...bad mommy. Dream:that everything in our house will be back to normal. During the beginning of my Spring Break, the valves in our shower leaked water inside the bathroom walls to my son's bedroom and the master bedroom...wet carpet, some mold, rotten pipes...yuck! Half of my son's bedroom has been sitting in our living room, since the plumbers had to go through his closet to fix the leak. The master bedroom is all out of sorts--our bed pushed to middle of room, corner of the rug pulled up and a small hole cut in wall to check for leak. NOT. FUN. Holes are being fixed tomorrow, rugs are next. Fingers crossed!